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Part 12 : Types of Adjectives | Six Types | Parts of speech

Hello Friends, My name is Nihir Mandowara. And welcome to 12th  grammar lesson.
In this lesson will discuss about different Types of Adjectives.  To get most of this video, please watch it till the end.
I am sure you will learn a lot about adjectives in this lesson.
Okay, So, lets get started.

Now, what is adjective?. We have already discuss about them in our previous video.  If you can recall.
Adjective is  a word that describes Noun or Pronoun.
Let me give you an example to make it clear again.
Vijay is a boy. Here, we are able to understand whether Vijay is a boy or not. But, we are not able to get more detail about what kind of Boy Vijay is.
Now, lets see this example.
Vijay is a good boy. Here, we are describing quality of Vijay by telling that is a good boy.
So, good is an adjective here.
We have also discussed about degree of adjectives in our previous video. Please check that video if you haven’t
Links are in the decsription

Now lets look into different types of Adjectives
Adjectives are divided into various types.
We will look into main six types of Adjectives.
These are.
Adjective of Quality,Adjective of Quantiy,Adjective of Number,Demonstrative Adjective,Interrogative Adjective,Possessive Adjectives

Now lets look into them one by one

Adjective of Quality.
These are the words that describe the quality of noun or pronoun. Note the word quality.
Let me give you an example
I have a nice teddy. Here, what is the quality of teddy. It is nice.
They generally answer the question : of what kind? in any sentence.
Now, can you think of more such qualities of teddy.
Someone may say  this Teddy is of brown colored. or Someone may say, it is awesome or it is very cute.
So, brown, awesome and  cute are qualities of teddy.
Adjective of Quality is also refered to as Decriptive Adjective
Now, lets look into next type

Adjective of Quantity
They are words that describes quantity of nouns or pronouns. Please note the word quanity.
Example : I have enough money. Here, enough describes the quantity.
Questions they generally answer are : How much? Some more examples of them are.
I have some money.
I have very little amount of money.
I have more money.
So, remember, they define quantity of noun not the exact amount.
Now, lets look into next type

Adjective of Numbers
They are Words that describe exact number of Noun. Note the word exact number.
For example. Shivani has four appples. Here, four is theexact number of apple shivani has.
They generally answers the queston. How many.
If there is only one apple then, we can say,
Shivani has an apple. Eight, ten or any such exact number decsribes this adjectives.
So, remember this, whenever you have any exact number that is decribing noun or pronoun. It is Adjective of Number.
Lets look into the fourth type

Demonstraive Adjective.
Words that point out a person, thing or animal.
Note the word point.
For example :
This book is mine. Here, I am pointing out the book.
Some more example of them are. That, these and those.
Now if you remember, In pronouns, we discussed about Demonstrative Pronouns.
And they also had the same words : this, that, these and those.
But there is a difference. Let me give an example of demostrative pronoun now.
This is my book. Here, this is pronoun.
Can you see the difference in two sentences. In the first one, this comes before book which is a noun and as it is describing noun it is an adjective.
And in the second one it comes before is which is a verb and it is a pronoun.
Now lets look into next type of adjective

Interrogative adjectives
these are Wh words which are used with nouns to ask questions.
Now what are wh words : Who, whom, whose, which and what are wh words
Always remember, Interrogative adjectives will be used before noun.
For example,
Which book is yours?
Here, which is used before book.  And is asking question. So, it is interrogative adj
Now, we discussed about Interrogative Pronouns. And they sound similar to these adjective.
But there is a diiference.
Let me give you the example of interrogative pronouns.
Which is your book?
Here, verb ‘is’ is used before which so, it is a pronoun
And in the above example noun ‘book’ is used, So, it is a adjective
So, now you would have understood the difference. Lets look into the sixth and final type of adj

Possesive Adjective
These are the Words that are used to show ownership. Note the word ownership
Lets look into the Example :
Joe left his bat at home. Here, ‘his’ word is used to show us that it is his bat. So, it is Possesive adjective.
Some, more example of it are : my, our, her and their.
Now, again, we talked about Possessive Pronouns and they sound similar to Possessive Adjective.
But they both are used in different context.
Let me give you the example of Possesive pronoun
The bat next to window is his.
Here, his ‘is’ not describing noun. It is used instead of noun. So, it is a pronoun.

Always remember whenver you are in confusion, whether the word is adjective or pronoun
If the word is used instead of noun then it is pronoun and if it is used for descrbing noun then it is adjective

Okay, So, we have now discussed about all the six main type of adjectives.
Now, lets quickly remember what we have learnt in this video.
We discussed about types of adjectives.
We, will go throgh the six types of adjectives. With one example of each
Adjective of quality : baby has soft skin. Here, soft descibes the skin quality
Adjective of quantity : I have enough knowledge. Here, enough, describes the quanityt of knowledge I have.
Adjective of Number : Sanjay came first in class. Here, first is the exact rank or Number Sanjay got in the class.
Demostrative Adjective : That pen is mine. Here, we are pointing to that pen
Inetrrogative Adje : Whose bicycle is this. Here, we are asking question by using whose
Possessive Adjec : My mother is here. Here, using ‘My’ we are showing ownership.
I hope you are now clear about the types of Adjective.
That’s all in this video.
Thank you for watching the video.
If you have any questions or doubts related to adjectives, please right in the comment section. If you liked the video, please hit the like button.
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