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Part 15 : What is CONJUNCTION | FANBOYS Example

Hello Friends,
Welcome to the 15th Grammar Lesson. In this lesson we will learn all about Conjunctions.
This is the 7th part of speech from the 8 parts of speech that we are learning.
We have already discussed about six parts of sppech which are Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb and Preposition in our previous videos.
Please check thosed videos if you haven't.I have given the links in the descrition.
To get most out of this video please watch it till the end.
Okay. So, Lets get started.

So, What is a Conjunction.
Conjunction is a word that joins words or sentences. What do I mean by Join. Join here means they connect two or more words or sentences.
How they connect words? Let me give you examples of that.
Hari and Ram are brother. Here, AND is a connector between two words Hari and Ram. And is thus joining this two words.
Two and Two makes four. Here, 'AND' is connecting words 'Two' and 'Two'. And is thus joining this two words. And thus is a conjunction

Now, lets see how Conjunction join sentences.
First we will see sentence examples without using conjunctions and then with conjunction to understand them better.
Ajay is a good batsman. Virat is a good batsman. Here, There are two seperate sentences. Both giving information about two batsman and there quality.
We can join them with 'AND'. and make one sentence.
Ajay and Virat are good batsman. Do you see how it converted two sentences into one without affecting the meaning.

Lets see one more example.
The man is poor. The man is honest. Here, both sentences are describing about the man's quality. We can join them with conjunction 'but'.
and the sentence will look like this.
The man is poor but honest.
Here, but made the sentence easy to write and read. without changin the meaning.

SO, The main use of conjunction is to Join either words, sentences or clauses. There are mainy Conjunctions but there are seven conjunction that
you must rememeber.
We will go through the sentence example of each. And then I will give you a trick by which you will never forget them.
So, lets see the sentences.
I drank some water for i was thristy. Here, for is the conjunction which is used to convey the reason of my drinking water. Lets see next.
He was tired and HUngry.Here, 'AND' is used to convey the two feelings tiredness and being hungry. Lets see next.
I can't whistle nor can I sing. Here, 'NOR' is used to convey that I do not know how to whistle or how to sing. Lets see next.
Jay studied hard but he coudln't clear the exam. Here, 'but' is telling that even if jay studied hard, he wasn't successfull in clearing exams.
Lets look into next.

Do you want Tea or Coffee?. Here, 'OR' is used to offer two choice, Either you have choice of drinking 'Tea' or you have choice to drink Coffee.
I ran fast yet I came last. Here, 'yet' is used to convey that even if I ran fast, I coudn't come at a good position and settled at last only.
I was hungry SO I ate the food. Here 'SO' is used to convey that, AS I was hungry, I had to eat food.
Now, to remmeber this conjunction, what we will do is, we will get the first alphabet of the conjunction with the Conjunction used in sentences.
F is used for For,A is used for And, N is used for Nor, b is used for But, O is used for 'OR' Y is used for 'YET' and 'S' is used for 'SO'
Now. if we read the first character of the all this conjunctions. It becomes FANBOYS. So, you just have to rememeber this word 'FANBOYS' and you will
remember all seven very important conjunction.

In this video we firstly described what conjunction is. Conjunction is a word that is used to join two or more words, sentences or clauses.
Then we discussed about seven very important contunction 'FOR,AND,NOR,BUT,OR,YET,SO' with a technique to remmeber using the word FANBOYS.
//I hope you are clear with conjunction, there usage and main seven conjunctions used with a trick to remember all of them.

Thats all in this video. Thank You for watching the video. If you have any questions or suggestion, please write in the comments section.
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